you need
Required Documents:
Those who visit this area coming from Argentina
or any of their neighbor countries, need only
their common Identity Card. No passport shall
be required. This is also valid for visiting Chile.
Other travelers need a passport and a travel assistance
policy. Information on visa requirements should
be requested in your country’s embassy. To up-to-date
information related to Los Glaciares National
Park, check losglaciares.com, where you can find
the adresses, telephone numbers and e-mails of
the main information sources in El Calafate, El
Chaltén, Río Gallegos and Buenos Aires.


What to take:
For outdoor activities you need to take warm clothing
(polar fabric is the best), jogging outfit, raincoat
and a hat. Near the glaciers and in the mountains,
don’t forget to take a windbraker. There are laundries
in El Calafate and El Chaltén as well as in some
“Estancias”. Choose comfortable shoes for the
trip and visiting the town; and trekking shoes
for hiking. .

to shop clothing and equipment in El Calafate
Summer days are very long, there is sunlight until
10:30 PM. Take a hat or a cap and don’t forget
to take sunscreen lotion N° 30 or higher. It is
highly recommended to use UV filter sunglasses,
specially when visitin glaciers. Under low temperatures,
batteries run out faster, so have always an extra

shops in El Calafate
The Argentine’s currency is the Peso, and from
January 11, 2002, the currency is free (in October
2003 U$S 1.00 reachs $ 2.90). Take this into account
when changing money. Normally, US dollars are
accepted everywhere. Many shops also accept Traveler
Checks and Credit Cards.

Other recommendations
Accomodation booking
and other services:
All services and accomodations are open from
October to April, high season is January through
February. From the second half of December and
during the high season it is highly recommended
booking in advance for lodging and other tourist
services. Sometimes, if you want to assure a
date or a specific service, two months in advance
is advisable.
Since 1981, when the UNESCO inscribed Los Glaciares
National Park in the World’s Heritage List,
visitors from all over the world come to visit
it: you will be able to share your trip with
people from different cultures.
losglaciares.com offers a complete list of accomodations
including photos, description, services, rates
and location.
If you’re planning to lodge in an “Estancia
Turística”, an increasingly demanded service,
it is also advisable to make reservations in
advance. If you visit them for a day, there
are many organized tours including outdoors
activities and lunch..

in El Calafate

High season is during summer. This area presents
weather variations, but it can be said that
it will be more humid near the mountains and
colder in the higher lands. 21st of December
is the longest day of the year, when sunlight
lasts 17 hours.
To illustrate the different climates, here is
a brief description of the differences between
the two towns in the National Park:
- El Calafate is 200 Mts over sea level. During
the summer the weather is dry, sunny, cool and
windy. Temperatures run from 10°C to 30 °C,
with an avarage of 20°C. Winds are usually mild,
but sometimes can blow at 120 km / hour.
- El Chaltén is located on the Andes, 430 mts.
over sea level. During the summer, the weather
is cool, windy and very changing. Temperatures
run from 5°C to 30°C, with an avarage of 18°C.

and references

If you travel by car
Here are some useful
tips to travel over Patagonia:
- You will drive across long distances without
any services. Try to make the trip in the company
of other car. Take a well supplied toolbox,
spare parts and two spare tires.
- Whenever you find a gas station, stop to fill
the gas tank, check the tires, oil level, etc.
Because usually there is a very long distance
until the next one.
- Speed down in curves or places without good
visibility. Do not stop in those places on the
road. Although you may not see other cars for
a long time, do not loose attention. It is very
possible they will appear all of a sudden.
- Gravel roads are difficult to drive on. To
dirve safely, do not speed over 60 km/h. When
a car approaches yours, speed down to minimize
stone impact. Although rain is very rare during
the summer, roads can become slippery or muddy.
- During the winter, chains should be put on
wheels to drive on ice, snow or mud.
- If you have a radio transmitor, these are
the Emergency frequences: HF 3857.5 USB - 6970
USB o VHF 149.335

to get El Calafate

of Santa Cruz: main routes and locations

Conection to other tourist
destinations nearby
Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego, República
Coming soon
Perito Moreno y Los Antiguos (Santa
Cruz, República Argentina)
Coming soon
Parque Nacional Torres del Paine (Chile)
Coming soon

Other services
In El Calafate, there are two telephone companies
that provide telephone cabins, with telephone,
fax and Internet.
Public phones use Argentine coins.
Cell phones and Internet connections are only
available in El Calafate. El Calafate area code
is 02962 ( from outside Argentina, 0054 2962)
and El Chaltén area code is 02962 (0054 2962
from abroad).

service in El Calafate
Medical assistance:
There is a public hospital in El Calafate with
Pediatric, Ginecology and Obstetrics, Traumatology,
Cardiology, Surgery, Dentist and General Medicine
services, ambulances and airplane ambulance.
There are also private practice doctors.
There is a First Aid Hospital in El Chaltén
with an ambulance service.

in El Calafate

services in El Calafate
Currency change:
If you want to change currency, traveler’s checks
or make other bank operations, you will find
a list of banks, AT and exchange offices in:

and exchange in El Calafate