Los Glaciares National Park
Except for birds, there is very few information about the different groups of vertebrates living in the Park. Most of consulted bibliography refer to the fauna without giving specific data about their presence in the Park. The information you will find in this section comes from rangers reports and ground observations made by Patagonia Regional Delegacy when preparing the Park’s Handling Plan.

Cauquenes in River De las Vueltas.
In this page:
Amphibians and reptiles
Introduced or exotic species
Special value fauna species
The registered species are:
  • Puyen Galaxias maculatus in Lago Argentino (Oliveros & Cordioviola, 1974).
  • Perca Percichthys, presumiblemente vinciguerrae, most likely vinciguerrae, in Lago Argentino (Oliveros & Cordiviola, 1974) and Lago Viedma (Ranger Report, Cerdá).
Besides this confirmed species, it can be assumed there are others, existing in the surroundings:
  • Peladilla Aplochiton zebra, registered in Lago Toro, (Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Chile, Mc Dowall, 1971).
  • Peladilla Aplochiton taeniatus, also in Lago Toro. (Mc Dowal, 1971).
  • Puyen Galaxias platei, lives in the lakes of Paine mountains (Mc Dowal 1971).
Amphibians and reptiles
There are two great herpetological* areas in Patagonia: The Ancient or Northern area and the Southern or Santa Cruz area, starting between the rivers Chubut and Deseado (Latitude S 45°).

*Herpetology: Branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians (Greek:herpetón0.

Santa Cruz area is considerably poor: Among the 60 patagonic species known nowadays, there are 56 in the Northern area and 13 in the Southern area, where 9 are common to both areas. Lizards have a greater proportion in this area than in the Northern one.

In different occasions there were observed Pleuroderna bufonina in Bahía Túnel and Río de las Vueltas. Cei (1982) mentions in Chilean territory at the same latitude Bufo variegatus, Batrachyla leptopus, y Alsodes coppingeri. Some examples of Bufo variegatus have been observed in Lago del Desierto area.

There are no reports referring to reptile species in Los Glaciares National Park. Ranger Landívar ‘s Report (1981-1982) registers lizards in the area of Punta Avellaneda. In Isla Larga (Gpque. Landívar 1981) a lizard of about 15 - 20 cm. has been observed, possibly Diplolaemus bibroni. The bibliography on reptiles agree to include the National Park area in the distribution of Liolaemus, magellanicus-lineomaculatus group. Cei (1980) mentions Liolaemus archeoforus sarmientoi to the north of the park and Diplolaemus bibrioni.
The information on birds in the park is very recent and very accurate. Up to now, there been registered 100 species. It would be necessary to complete the information for the high environments, rarely studied.

In this important diversity, there are many species considered as conservational special values as the choique or lesser rhea (Pterocnemia pennata), the andean condor (Vultur gryphus), the torrent duck (Merganetta armata), the white throated caracara (Polyborus albogularis), the yellow bridled finch (Melanodera xanthogramma) and the black throated finch (Melanodera melanodera).

There are very important groups of condors and black chested buzzard eagle (Geranoaetus melanoleucus) mainly in the northern area of the park.

Species like yellow winged blackbird (Agelaius thilius) and spectacled tyrant (Hymenops percpicillata) are rarely observed in humid areas as well as the many-colored rush tyrant (Tachuris rubrigastra). These species have been observed in Bahía Túnel area (Lago Viedma) to the North and in the lagoons of Pto. Bandera.

It is also remarkable the presence and breeding of the Magellan oystercatcher (Haematopus leucopodus) on the shores of lakes and lagoons.

Some other species as the cordilleran snipe (Gallinago Stricklandii) and the austral rail (Rallus antarcticus) are seldom seen.
There is no comprehensive study about the mammals in the area. The knowledge is limited to a list derived from rangers reports and old studies that describe mostly big mammals, and some circumstantial data about some species.

During November of 1990, some traps for small mammals were set in these locations:

a) An area covered with Berberis and Neneo, in the Lago Viedma area (Mt. Fitz Roy)
b) A ñire wood near Río de las Vueltas.
c) A lenga wood, on the eastern area next to Río de las Vueltas.

On three locations, only Akodon xanthorhinus was captured. In foxes feces were found Oryzomys longicaudatus jaws. Area neighbors mention red fox (Dusicyon Culpaeus) after the hares arrived (ca. 1926), which might have caused a diminish in the population of gray fox; they also mention the consequential diminish of wild cats (gato del pajonal and gato montés, Felis guigna).*

* Notice these are subjective opinions of some informants, and therefore they need confirmation.

Chilean area of Torres del Paine, next to this National Park and very similar in terms of environment, is one of the Chilean Patagonia best studied areas. There are many studies on guanacos and on the carnivorous (Iowa University and Chilean fellows), focusing on ecological and behavior aspects.
The existent information is very short. The spider Liparotoma tripunctatum has been mentioned, common specie in the humid woods of the area. Among the Heteroptera, it is mentioned for Pto. Bandera, the Eurylomata sulina sp.

Un insecto hallado y fotografiado en grietas y canales del Glaciar Moreno en 1996 se procuró identificar (a través de fotos) con la colaboración de un entomólogo de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Se trataría de una ninfa (estado larval) de un Plecóptero, orden abundante en aguas corrientes y muy oxigenadas.
Introduced or exotic species
There are two introduced salmon species:

1) Rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mikiss). 
2) Lake trout (Christivomer namaycush).

Both in lakes Argentino and Viedma.

There are many European hares (Lepus europaeus). Also the wild domestic species: horses and cows.

Wild horses population is estimated in 15 thousand in the huemul habitat of Valle Mascarello; this problem and the handling alternatives must be studied. Eliminating the horses could cause a greater predation of the puma over the huemul.
Special value fauna species
The Park has remanent and apparently isolated huemul groups.

In January 1992 Ing. Agr. Alejandro Serret with the collaboration of Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina studied the situation of the huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) on the northern area of the Park. As a result, the presence of an important group was confirmed in the Río Mascarello valley and in the western area of Lago Viedma between Laguna Viedma and Seno Moyano (Canal Viedma).

In 1996 and 1997, FVSA and Los Glaciares National Park continued with the area study, where 10 and 11 different animals could be seen. After these three studying periods, a minimum of 16 animals was estimated for the area and a density of 0,8 huemules/km² (Serret y Borghiani, 1997).

There are also registry of different observers for Laguna Torre, Río Torre, Laguna Toro, Río de las Vueltas, Río Eléctrico, Río Blanco, Loma del Pliegue Tumbado, Río Cóndor, Cerro Colorado, Cerro Huemules, Lago Tannhäuser, Río Guanaco, Laguna Capri, Arroyo La Rosada and Bahía Ameghino. This last one is the southernmost location for the huemul in Argentina.

In the area could also live the Lagidium wolffsohni, very rare and with restricted distribution. 

It is remarkable the importance of rivers Fitz Roy and Río de las Vueltas as a habitat for the torrent duck, where a considerable number of groups live permanently.
Source: Los Glaciares National Park