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Los Glaciares National Park

This section offers a formal brief about Los Glaciares National Park, including its placement, foundational situation and geography.

Los Glaciares Park and National Reservation occupies an area of approximately 600.000 ha, to the SW of Santa Cruz. The protected area was created in 1937, and in 1971, by law N°19.292, its boundaries were established including the division of the National Park and National Reservation.

The National Park is located in the western side of the protected area, and its area is 445.900 ha. The Reservation is divided in three sub areas: Viedma, Centro and Roca, to the East of the Park, occupying an extension of 145.100 ha.

In 1981 the Park has been added to the Human Heritage List (UNESCO), what means an international appreciation of its value. The protected area includes the western extremes of lakes Viedma and Argentino.

It has towering mountains, the lowest levels are those of the lakes (185 m.o.s.l lago Argentino y 200 m.o.s.l. lago Viedma), while the highest altitudes are those to the west, where the peaks reach 2400-2500 mts, and the highest peak is Mt. Fitz Roy 3441 mts high.

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